

This blog is a place where I plan to share what I have been learning through the Word of God. The Bible.
I plan to keep it simple. I hope to share scripture with you and teachings that I have heard on it. Maybe I will share a bit of my thoughts on what I am learning but again, it will be simple.

If you had asked me in 2011 when I became a christian I would have told you of how I asked Jesus into my heart when I was five. How I have just been a christian practically my whole life. You would not have heard what was deep down in my heart. You would not have been informed that I was not sure that this was true because of some things that concerned me.

For years after my five year old "conversion" I questioned whether I had meant it. Was I sincere enough? And why did I have no real desire to read the Bible, the "letter from God to his people". And when I heard statements of how we need to return to our first love for Christ I wondered why I had no real clue what the first love "felt" like. I was never convinced that I got it. When preachers told nonbelievers to give their hearts over to God, to say this prayer, I would be sure to say it quietly again "just in case I missed it". Or maybe I had backslidden and that is why I didn't really Love God. Maybe I had done something wrong. Maybe I was not doing what I should. Maybe if I prayed more, maybe if I read my Bible more, maybe if I journaled more. Maybe then I could be sure of my salvation.

Well it all slowly crumbled to pieces. My faith was not real. I was full of false teachings and false understandings of God and my relationship to him. I had believed since I was a very young child that my salvation depended on my doings. That it was through My asking Jesus into my heart that I was saved. I have since learned the truth. He alone calls me. Without his calling I cannot respond to him. It is Christ who did all. I am strictly the receiver of His Gift. Eternal life has come to me through Him. I am a sinner saved by grace. Grace being a gift that is given that the receiver does not deserve. It is through no merit of mine that I have been chosen.  "God chooses us in spite of us, not because of us." Steven J. Lawson

In the end I have come to love the word of God. I long to know more of what He has said to us. For it is through His word that faith comes. Romans 10:17 "So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ." It is through The word of Christ that we are given faith. It is Through the teachings of the bible that we are brought to faith.

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